Michael, 26

Michael, 26

I had always been a big girl, but it wasn't until I hit my early twenties that my weight started to seriously impact my life. Simple tasks like walking up a flight of stairs or even just standing for more than a few minutes became excruciatingly difficult. I was only 24, but I felt like I was trapped in a body that was twice my age.

I reached a breaking point one day when I couldn't even make it through a short walk in the park without having to sit down and catch my breath. I was tired of feeling like I was missing out on life because of my weight. That's when I started to seriously consider bariatric surgery.

After months of research and consultations with doctors, I finally made the decision to go through with the surgery. It was a tough journey, both physically and emotionally, but looking back, I can confidently say that it was the best decision I've ever made.

The first few weeks after the surgery were rough. My body had to adjust to the changes, and there were times when I doubted if I had made the right choice. But as the weeks turned into months, I started to notice a difference. I had more energy, I was able to move around without feeling like I was carrying a ton of bricks, and most importantly, I was finally able to enjoy life without constantly worrying about my weight holding me back.

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